Allen EZ Aim 12"X18" Handgun Trainer

Allen EZ Aim 12"X18" Handgun Trainer photo
from $7.99
Availability: Within 1 day
Brand: Allen
Color: Black/Chartreuse
Material: Coated Label Paper
Size: 12"X18"
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Whether you love shooting targets with handguns, rifles or shotguns, load up your target stand with Allen EZ-Aim paper targets featuring splash technology that flakes and crumbles upon impact. If you prefer, have some handgun fun with bullseye shooting targets that work well both indoors and outside. Trap shooters will have a blast with the EZ-Aim Xcelerator Claymaster target thrower. Keep your skills sharp and hit the range with self healers, paper targets, and throwers from EZ-Aim by Allen.


  • Flaking Paper
  • Made in the USA

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