Cole-TAC Quick Connect Binopack Fabric Harness

Cole-TAC Quick Connect Binopack Fabric Harness photo
from $118.75
Availability: Within 1 day
Brand: Cole-TAC
Size: 6.5"x7.5"x3"
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The Quick-Close Bino Pack represents the next generation of lightweight, ergonomic, and durable hunting and spotting gear from Cole-TAC. An improved magnetic "zipper" makes it easy to retrieve your binos quickly and silently, while this product's slimline construction reduces bulk and weight. Quick-Close Bino Pack's innovative design also features a front and rear zipper pocket for phones, keys, maps, or slim GPS/wind data units. In addition, our Pack is compatible with Cole-TAC's complete lineup of side, bottom, and back MOLLE pouches, offering additional storage and flexibility. It also has two clip-in retention straps for the binos themselves, ensuring they wont fall out into the mud or snow if you let them dangle.


  •     Lightweight, durable construction
  •     Front and rear facing map / phone pockets
  •     Magnetic closure system for fast access to optics
  •     Lightweight Squadron fabric harness with MOLLE compatibility
  •     Dimensions: 6.5" x 7.5" x 3"

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