Kick-EEZ Cheek Protector

Kick-EEZ Cheek Protector photo
from $18.00
Availability: Within 1 day
Brand: Kick-EEZ
Color: Black
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Are you tired of experiencing discomfort and recoil to your cheek while shooting? Say goodbye to those troubles with CHEEK-EEZ, the oval-shaped microcellular urethane pad that adheres seamlessly to your gun comb. Its innovative design eliminates recoil to the cheek, allowing for a comfortable and enjoyable shooting experience. Furthermore, if you require slight adjustments to your line of sight, CHEEK-EEZ has got you covered. Made with premium materials, CHEEK-EEZ is built to last and should be regarded as a semi-permanent addition to your firearm. Don't let recoil sabotage your shooting experience any longer; enhance your comfort and accuracy with CHEEK-EEZ today.



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