SureStrike™ Hunting Pack

SureStrike™ Hunting Pack photo
from $129.95
Availability: In stock
Brand: Laser Ammo
Battery Type: AG2 / LR726 / LR59 / 197 / 396
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Prep For Your Next Hunting Trip With Our Hunting Pack Combo!

Make every shot count with the SureStrike™ Hunting Pack!  Each hunting pack includes one SureStrike™ 9mm laser cartridge (with IR (infrared) laser) topped with a dry fire back cap and your choice of either a 12g shotgun adapter, 20g shotgun adapter, 30-06 rifle adapter, 300 Win rifle adapter, or 308 rifle adapter.  Meant to be used with one of Laser Ammo's electronic targets (LaserPET II or i-MTTS target system) or the Smokeless Range shooting simulator.  SAVE $10 WITH THIS COMBO!

(The 9mm SureStrike™ laser cartridge comes pre-assembled inside your chosen adapter.)

The SureStrike™ Hunting Pack - IR includes:

    SureStrike™ 9mm IR laser cartridge
    adapter of your choice: 12g, 20g, 308, 30-06. 300 WIN
    battery pack

*  The 9mm SureStrike™ laser cartridge comes already assembled inside your chosen adapter.








Riffle Insert

SureStrike Caliber

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